Benefits of E-Tabs

What can E-Tabs offer?

Expand Community Impact

  • Keep funds in the community

  • Support veteran and fraternal club missions

  • Benefit more local causes, charities and programs

Increase Club Membership

  • Improve club environment

  • Boost member participation and public perception

  • Build a strong community with a sense of purpose

Enhance Technology and Security

  • Utilize a reliable and secure system

  • Manage and monitor fundraising activities easily

  • Champion environmentally friendly practices

Where do the profits go?

Money generated from electronic pull tabs benefits charities in various ways, contributing to their missions and supporting community initiatives. 

  • E-tab profits stay in the community

  • Profits used to support local causes and charities

  • Profits benefit multiple local community programs

  • Funds support veteran & fraternal club's missions

  • Players know gaming activity contributes to local organizations and programs

  • Creates a strong sense of community engagement